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Help Us Make a Better Tool

We understand that people don't always want to talk to a salesperson to get information.

So we set out to build a useful tool that answers many of the questions you may have when trying to determine if you qualify for a mortgage to buy a home or refinance.

We ended up creating a useful mortgage calculator with an amortization schedule that tells you if you qualify and if not, why and what you can do to fix it.

Although we think its pretty good...
we know that you could show us how to make it better.

Please provide us any feedback, good is great but why it's bad would be better, so we use it to make piti calculator a more useful tool for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the contact form.

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If you like the tool and found it useful... please share it with friends and family on your social networks.

Need to mail us something?
a Brain Cell Media Inc. site.
729 E Jefferson Ave.
Pomona, CA. 91767

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